Replacement Power Cords and Optional Power Cords
- down-angle 15-foot, 3-prong grounded power cord
- arrives with DigiBee (DB400 and DB800) flash units
- arrives with all AlienBees™ units
- arrives with White Lightning™ X-Series units
- down-angle head connection at flash unit
- may be used with all Paul C. Buff™ 120V standard flash units
- optional longer 25-foot, 3-prong grounded power cord
- for use with all Paul C. Buff™ 120V standard flash units
- short 3-foot, 3-prong grounded power cord
- for use with the Vagabond Mini™ Lithium and VLX™ systems
- may be used with all Paul C. Buff™ 120V standard flash units